Y150-Y151 are turned on the Ballarat East turntable. |
With track works on 'The Straight' between Box Bank Loop and Bacchus Marsh, ballast trains have been running every Sunday from Ballarat. For the ballasts usually two Y class are rostered with the locos running from Ballarat East locomotive depot to Ballarat yard to pick up guards vans and then running BONA to the loading site at Windermere. The locos attach the guards vans and run around the rake of VHWA ballast hoppers and then depart for Bacchus Marsh. The load usually consists of 5 to 7 VHWA with a ZL marshalled at each end.
The ballasts have been making two return trips a day between Windermere and Bacchus Marsh. While the works are occurring, the Sunday Ballarat and Dimboola passenger services and the two interstate express goods have been routed via Geelong.
On Sunday 27th May 1984 Y150 and Y151 have been rostered on Ballast trains.
The driver of Y150 waits for the fireman whos filling the billy in the crew building. |
Running BONA to Windermere, Y150-Y151 cross Lydiard Street. |
Today a ZLP and ZL are being used on the Ballast. |
Y150-Y151 with guards vans cross across from the Up to the Down line. |
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