T386 sits in the Arrival and Departure sidings on a empty grain extra to Skipton. |
With the start of the harvest only a week away, T386 worked a short grain extra to Skipton to clear the silos. The train consisted entirely of GH hoppers. This was the first working of a locomotive in V/Line colours on the branchline. The movement of a record 4 million tonnes grain harvest to ports of Geelong and Portland is expected to commence in the last week of November 1983.
The grain extra grids up grade past the Doveton Street sidings with a short rake of GH's. |
T386 runs past Garden City Flour Mill with the grain extra to Skipton. |
T386 runs past the way and works depot as it returns on grain extra from Skipton.
Bringing up the rear of the train is ZMF guards van. |
T386 arrives back in Ballarat yard. The wagons will be worked to GEB terminal at Geelong overnight. |
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