Chimneys on 25 and 27 Baird St

 Recently a picture frame fell off the wall damaging two houses in Baird St on the layout. I used the opportunity whilst repairing the damage to add chimneys to these houses, details that were omitted when I originally built the houses a few years ago.

Common with the other houses along this street, only the front half of the house has been modelled, with the back of the buildings being beyond the backdrop. In this photo you can see that the adjoining house to the left has its chimney painted on the backdrop. 

Each of the chimneys is a slightly different design, although they all follow the same basic construction. I usually use either balsa wood or polystrene board that I then cover in with brick embossed styrene sheet. For the chimney tops I use styrene sheet of various thicknesses. The chimney pots are made from either styrene or brass tube, although one of the chimney pots on number 27 is a nail.

Photos of the actual houses for comparison. I omitted some details but ensured that I retained the key style elements of each of the houses. 
